The staff, cast, and crew of The SpongeBob Musical would like to especially thank the following for their continued support and generosity:
Mr. Charles Voorhees
The Secaucus Board of Education
Felicia Chetrit
Steve Viggiani
Amanda Wargocki
Dr. Danielle Garzon
Christopher Innis
Secaucus Administrative Staff
Bill Heaney
SHS Custodial Staff
Bob Bilbao
SHS Security Staff
LeaAnn Nicolich
Grace Yeo
Mayor Mike Gonnelli
Secaucus Town Council
Secaucus Youth Alliance
Lisa Snedeker
Michelle Eckert
Vickie Nappo
Jaime Papa
Marilyn Sinisi
Allison Urbanovich
Tonya Whyte
Patrice Phemsint
Derek Jensen, Urban Lifestyle
Tracy Rubin
Marc Rubin
Mary Busanic
Maya Natividad
Tam Le
Lili Valente
Maria Ojeda
Kevin Conde
Dana Flanagan
Neetu Kuruvilla
The SHS Spring Musical Parents and Families
The singers of our "One Moment in Time" fundraiser concert
Elisa Girlando
Donna Halliwell and Midland Park High School
Impressive Printing