Ruth, Randa, Colleen, John, Johanna, Caitlin, Lauri, Kipp, Greg:
Thank you all so very much for all of the hard work you put into this production and every production we take on. Your unique talents always combine in amazing ways to make each show the best possible experience for our students. None of this would be possible without all of your dedication and the countless hours you all give. Thank you for always commiting to making sure the vision for the show is realized. You are all a gift, and the students and myself are so very lucky to have each of you on our team. Thank you for your support and reassurance. It always means the world to me.
To my seniors, Isabella, Emily, Andrew, Abby, Cadi, Max, Aidan, Julia, Lyma, Andrea, Bradyn, Denny:
I can't begin to thank you for your countless contributions to this organization over the years. Each of you has left your mark on the program, and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with you so closely and get to know each of you so well. You have enriched my life, and I am better for having known you. It has been a blessing to watch you grow up on and off our stage throughout the years, and your absence will certainly be felt in the future. Thank you for all you have given, from the bottom of my heart. We all wish you happiness and success in your futures. You have my many thanks and deepest respect.
All of my appreciation, Mrs. Drum

Do You Want to Join the TADC?
We will be announcing next year's show selections soon, so check our Facebook and Instagram accounts to hear the news! We are always looking for new members, and anyone who will be in grades 6-12 next school year is invited to audition. Audition dates and times for our next production will be announced, so listen to the announcements at your school for that information. Anyone with questions may contact Mrs. Drum at for further information. We would love to have you join us!