Richard Patnaude:
We are so proud of your for all the hard work you did to get ready for Godspell! You'll be inspirational!
Mom & Dad
Delaney Bailey:
My Dearest Delaney
The stage is your Paradise
So be blissful in it
act to be acknowledged
sing to be heard
dance to be seen
for today is your day!!!
Love Ms Ronda
London Calling! Well done you! Gregor sends his best wishes as do I. But Gabriel has a very special shout to you...Akinfenwa is epic! Luv Gabriel xx
Love ya, Uncle Billy
Dearest Delaney,
Congratulations on landing your first big High School role as Peggy! I know you'll blow everyone away with that gorgeous voice of yours. Show them what you're made of Kid.
I love you!
Congratulations Delaney!
We are so proud of you and wish we could be there for your big show!
The Roche Family - Boca Raton Florida
Dear Delaney - I'd wish you luck, but you don't need luck when you have such mad skills! ;-) I am so proud of you. You are going to be the best 'Peggy' that there ever was! - Mrs. Mercier
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! - Audrey Hepburn. Have a great show and I can't wait to see you at the Oscars! Love Aunty Di