Godspell - March 16 - March 19, 2016

--Wells High School

  Shout Outs  

Entire Cast:

Break a leg, and continue to excel by making your role the best it can be every night. I am always proud to direct you, and to watch you as well.  - Andy Lopez


To the cast, crew and pit:  

This hasn't been easy and your hard work has made this show an outstanding experience for me. Thanks, Mr. "P"   


Tech Crew:

Thank you all for your dedication and hard work! You are the unsung heroes behind the scenes that make this show happen. - Andy Lopez


A special shout out to Mr. Lopez and his tech crew:

Without them and their extreme effort under difficult conditions, this show would never have gotten in front of an audience.   Thanks, Mr. "P"


Allison Jarvis:

Thanks for all of your hard work as assistant director.  Mr. “P”


Dani Jarosz:

Danielle, yet again you are showing your incredible talent to this community.  We are proud of the way you give every single show 100% of your effort and creativity.  Love, Mom & Dad


Sissy, I like to hear you sing.  Good thing you practice a lot.  Love, Devin


Tamar Cimenian:

Tamar, you've come so far!

We are so proud of you.

Lots of love, Mom and Dad.


Sarah Strange:

We are so proud of you and can't wait to see you singing in GODSPELL! Just be prepared, your mom is going to cry (you know how she gets), but it is because she is so thrilled that you are part of this great play! We believe in you Day by Day, baby. Love you lots, your Strange family =) 

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