Katie Reidy:
Katie - Congratulations on your first musical in High School. We love you, our cup runneth over..... XOXO Mom, Dad and Keegan
Dear Katie (KT) - I have missed hearing your beautiful voice, and witnessing your witty comebacks this year. :-) I am so excited that you have continued making beautiful music. Break a leg! - Mrs. Mercier
Harrison Woodman:
We're so proud of all your hard work and dedication.
Congratulations on another great performance! Much love, Dad, Liz, Jackson, George, Goose & Cruddy
Delaney McDonnell:
We are so proud to see you in your first "on stage" performance. Your Grandpapa, Major Mudd, would be so happy that you are carrying on the family tradition! Much love, Madre, Padre and Grandmama
Remember that we are all stories in the end. Just make this a good one, eh! Allons-y!! Love, Hunter
Duncan Farley:
Duncan, Good luck. Love Gram
Duncan, We are so proud of you! Love, Mond, Dand and the rest of the crew.
Thank you WJHS teachers Alison Graichen and Robert Winn for helping the entire cast, crew, and production team feel at home in your classrooms. We couldn't have done it without your generosity and understanding!