Delaney Bailey
as Gibbon/Peggy
Delaney ('19) is very excited to be making her high school debut appearance in this production of Godspell. Her previous credits include the role of "Villager" in Beauty and the Beast, "Duchess" in Follow that Rabbit, "Chesire Cat" in Alice in Wonderland, "Old Mother Field Mouse" in Thumbelina, "Ghost of Christmas Present" in A Christmas Carol, and "Asaska" in Once On This Island.
Dani Jarosz
as Buckminster Fuller/Gilmer
Dani ('17) came bursting onto the WHS stage her freshman last year carrying the central role of “Annie Sullivan” in The Miracle Worker, and later appearing in the ensemble of Cinderella and in the Drama class production of The Good Doctor. Sophomore year she played the lovable sociopath “Abby Brewster” in Arsenic and Old Lace, and appeared as a nurse/ensemble in South Pacific. Last fall she entertained us as "Patsie Linden" in Oh, Promise Me! She has appeared in productions of The Tales of Beatrix Potter, The Ghost Bride, Thumbelina, Annie, Willy Wonka, Mulan, and Beauty and the Beast. She is also a member of the varsity soccer team and plays softball; she is in Marching Band, Student Council/Interact, The Wells Street Journal staff, STEM, Political Affairs Club, and is vice president of her class. Outside of school, she participated at the Ogunquit Playhouse, the Coastal Caper Theatre group, and the Arundel Barn Playhouse.
Tamar Cimenian
as Frederic Nietzsche/Lamar
Tamar ('16) caps off her high school theatrical career in Godspell. Freshman year she appeared as a “Rabbi” in Fiddler on the Roof”. Sophomore year she was “Second Crone” in The Miracle Worker and “Charles the Cat” in Cinderella. Last year she played “Marcella” in South Pacific and ‘Linda” in the Drama class production of Hard Candy. No one will forget her portrayel of "Kathleen" in last fall's Oh, Promise Me! At WJHS she appeared as "Louis Howe" in Annie and “Lefou” in Beauty and the Beast. Off stage, she is involved in Marching Band, Winter Guard, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, and the Math team. Outside of School, she takes piano lessons, plays tennis and studies Karate.