Viking Theatre would like to extend a huge thanks to the following supporters:
Northgate High School Administration:
Dr. Ashley Wilkes, Principal
Dr. Eric Fiske, Assistant Principal
Bryan Hicks, Assistant Principal
Joshua Johnson, Assistant Principal
Collette Peaks, Assistant Principal
Roderick Ladd, Assistant Principal
Viking Theatre Booster:
Tim Fusan, President
Cory Wilkes, Vice President
Kelli Zachry, Secretary
Amy LaVancha, Treasurer
Stage Company:
ForeStay Services
Sound Company:
Atlanta Soundworks Inc
Tent Company:
Classic Canopies
Festival Volunteers:
Garden Club & Margaret Bryant
Student Ambassadors
Costume, Prop and Set Volunteers:
Amy LaVancha
The Hensley Family
The Hightower Family
Other support:
The Barksdale Families
The McInnis Family
Mike Nowak