Cast Members
Dennis Galahad/Sir Galahad/Prince Herbert
Trey Shamrock
Galahad's Mother/Sir Lancelot/Lance
Travis Romick
Sir Bedevere/Ensemble
Vaughn Wright
The Lady of the Lake
Kyleigh Hightower
Historian/Brother Maynard
Hannah Pruitt
Not Dead Fred/Concorde/Ensemble
Sarah Helen Zachry
Voice of God/Monk/Prince Herbert's' Father/Ensemble
Max Morris
Dance Captain/Laker/Camelot Girls/Robin's Minstrels/Tim the Enchanter/Ensemble
Bethany LaVancha
Laker/Camelot Girls/Robin's Minstrels/Ensemble
Avery Kearney
Laker/Camelot Girls/Robin's Minstrels/Ensemble
Susanna Griffies
Laker/Camelot Girls/Robin's Minstrels/Ensemble
Karissa Barcenas
Laker/Camelot Girls/All Guards/Robin's Minstrels/Ensemble
Gabi Wilkes
Laker/Camelot Girls/All Guards/Robin's Minstrels/Ensemble
Izzie Wilkes
Mayor of Finland/The Knights of Ni/French Mime/Ensemble
Ann Marie Harlan
The Head Knight of Ni/French Guard/Ensemble
Brooklyn Hutchinson
The Knights of Ni/French Guard/Ensemble
Jackie Caccavella
The Knights of Ni/French Guard/Ensemble
Bethany Jennings
The Knights of Ni/French Guard/Monk/Ensemble
Ethan Kramer